General questions

We source our products directly from the manufacturer in the country of origin, Indonesia.

The transfer of data on is completely SSL encoded. Your data is saved on encrypted Servers and will not be passed on to third parties.

We ship to all countries where kratom is legal.

Yes, we use an accredited 3rd party laboratory that specializes in kratom testing.

Lab results will provide the purity and alkaloid content of the product.


Each package will contain a “LOT NO” that can be tracked on our site for viewing of your kratom lab results.

We ship orders the same day we receive payment or proof of payment Monday-Friday. With DHL, DPD or PostNL  you can usually expect to receive your order within 1-3 working days.

No, once your order is dispatched, we have no control of the delivery time and can not speed up this process.

If you have not received your order within 7 working days of shipment, please contact us so we can resolve either with the courier or if necessary resend your order to you.

Other questions

Yes, we do sell discounted in bulk. Contact us directly via email at

We can ship your order in a plain manilla envelope or a brown cardboard box. Kratom will not be mentioned. Select “discreet packaging” at checkout.


We ship with DHL, DPD and PostNL.

When your order is ready to be dispatched you will receive an email with a tracking number.


When your order is ready to be dispatched you will receive an email with a tracking number.

We strive to provide a ROCKSTAR quality product and treat all of our customers like ROCKSTARS.

We can only do our best to ensure a seemless delivery into your country. We can not control delays caused by Customs or other govt agencies in your country.

We will only ship to countries where kratom is legal. It is your responsibility to ensure the legality of kratom i