Rockstar Kratom, shares the concerns of visitors to Our website in relation to the protection of personally identifiable information. This privacy policy describes Our practices regarding the privacy of the information We collect. We encourage You to read this policy before using Our Site.

Our obligation is to protect your privacy. Your information is safe and limited to our staffs. We never share your information with third party. Any personal information submitted on this site is confidential and will be kept in private and will not be used for other purposes then to:

Contact you
Deliver the product
Notify you about the potential changes, or other information related to your product
Disclose the information in case law demands so

We commit to save your personal information from any misuse, alteration, or disclosure.

What is collected?

By contacting us, we collect your name, emails and message. Your information is accessible by our staff only.


Your personal information is stored in our secure server behind firewall to protect it against the loss, misuse and alteration.

We advise you to protect your login information yourself, and not to disclose with any one else. It is your responsibility to make your credential confidential


We use your personal information to respond to Your emails and comments. We may also use the information collected to get site analysis and improve marketing


We may disclose your personal information if it is required by law, court order or other governmental authority or when We believe in good faith that disclosing this information is otherwise necessary or advisable, for purposes such as to identify, contact or bring legal action against any user who may be causing any problem to someone or interfering with the rights or property of Rockstar Kratom.

We may use your email address to send newsletters or communicate for any other information related to the Site. All emails sent by us include simple instructions on how to unsubscribe and this may be done at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at bottom of the newsletter.


Your personal information collected through the Site is stored in our server behind the firewall.

This policy does not apply to any linked websites to the Site. Please consult the privacy policy, terms and conditions of the website to which redirection may occur if clicking on any banner or advertisement.

By using the Site You acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by this privacy policy and the terms and conditions of the Site.

Feel free to contact us at;